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GFVC AFRICA aims to establish a single, SMART manufacturing global fashion value chain economy that benefits all African stakeholders.

  1.  The focus is creating opportunities that favor youth and women across the racial and social divide, rural, and township black populations.

  2. The organization aims to give political representation to youth, women, artisans, and marginalized communities in the fashion value chain ecosystem's agricultural, mining, and manufacturing sectors.

  3. GFVC AFRICA seeks to integrate and transform the fragmented industry ecosystem to promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, innovation, and business success. 

  4. The organization also aims to harmonize policy, legal and regulatory frameworks, and investment codes throughout the continent's fashion value chain while removing barriers to productivity and growth for all African players.

  5. The organization intends to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalizes global partnerships for sustainable development. 

  6. GFVC AFRICA is committed to equipping all Africans with high-end equipment and technical skills needed to participate in the mainstream economy, enhance global competitiveness, and contribute to sustainable economic growth and decent work for all.

  7. GFVC AFRICA will advance research and development in the value chain industries through open international partnerships with universities and research institutions. 

  8. The organization also aims to bridge the gap between tertiary education and the job market by creating access to a single Global Knowledge, Trade, and Investments - a GFVC Market through its General Assembly.

  9. GFVC AFRICA is dedicated to creating on-demand future global African brands and quality Agro-Industrial development products through its partnership with SMART GFVC AFRICA ECOSYSTEMS to boost growth in local supplies demand and decent employment. 

  10. The organization will also protect its labor community from exploitation, long work hours, and ensure fair and equal pay throughout the chain.

  11. GFVC AFRICA seeks to improve and strengthen copyright and intellectual property protection. 

  12. The organization aims to create favorable market conditions to attract large-scale investments and enable the creation of new sustainable industries. 

  13. GFVC AFRICA is committed to promoting transparency, efficiency, and accountability across the value chain.

  14. GFVC AFRICA will foster global strategic relations with industry, international governments, civil society, and NGOs to promote open and fair-trade markets for all. 

  15. The organization will also drive and facilitate the integration of the 4th industrial revolution and circular economy concepts into the continent's fashion value chain ecosystem development for sustainability and future disruptions.

  16. GFVC AFRICA aims to boost Africa's Smart Eco-Infrastructure development, intra-Africa trade, local job creation, municipal investments, growth to the local supply chain development, and global manufacturing.

  17. The organization has the community's well-being, development, and growth at heart and respects its ecological limits.

  18. GFVC AFRICA aims to move Africa from the consumption end of the value chain to the top of the chain with ownership in all that it produces and exports. The organization sets a stage for self-sufficient rural economies development and inclusive wealth creation. 

  19. The SMART GFVC AFRICA SUMMIT will be inaugurated in 2024 and rotated annually to all eight (8) regions to promote social cohesion and collaboration and the regions' diverse investment and tourism opportunities.

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